Tagged: small groups

Free eBook | Intentional Small Groups

A few years back we began to throw around the idea of doing small groups at CFM.

We tried quite a few different ways of doing groups which eventually led us to settle on forming our groups based around some key principles rather than a certain method or exact way of doing them.

Our groups have begun to be beneficial to the health of the overall church and especially to the individuals involved in City Groups.

One of the ways that we share training, stories, and resources is through this blog.  Along the way some really useful content has been created because of the examples and feedback that has been shared by you, the group leaders.

City Groups


I thought compiling this information into a book format would be helpful.  This eBook is a not a system or methodology for doing groups, it is a guide that is divided into six parts that are specific to small group leadership.

  • *Leadership Essentials
  • *Understanding Spiritual Growth
  • *Multiplication
  • *Keys To A Successful Small Group
  • *Navigating Conversations
  • *Final Encouragement


I named the book Intentional Small Groups because great groups do not happen by accident.  They are formed and forged by leaders who lead with purpose and great intentionality, I hope this eBook helps you to continue doing what you’ve already been doing…  Leading others in and towards Christian community and spiritual growth.

If you would like a FREE copy of Intentional Small Groups: A Complete Guide For Leaders click HERE.

To download, right click on the link above and choose “save as” or “save target”.  If you are using a smartphone click the link and save accordingly.

Text Version (with color, you may have to wait a few minutes to download)

Please note that the text file is in a PDF format, so you will need Adobe PDF Reader to view it and print it. You can get the reader for free at Adobe.com.

God bless!

Helping Others To Grow Spiritually

In the last post, Are You Responsible For The Spiritual Growth Of Others? it was pointed out that discipleship is a multi-faceted process that involves God, leaders, and individuals.  A leader who desires to disciple others is responsible “to cultivate, encourage, and prepare opportunity for spiritual growth to take place.”

But what about those who attend your group?  What steps should they personally take to receive the most benefit from a small group setting and from those who care about their spiritual growth?

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City Group Leader: Are You Responsible For The Spiritual Growth Of Others?

Spiritual Growth is a dynamic process that is highly personal yet involves others at the same time.  As a group leader what do you do and how should you feel when those in your group do not seem to be advancing or changing?  What role do you play in others growing spiritually and to what extent are you responsible? Continue reading

When Small Group Feels Boring | 10 Ways To Change It Up

Go ahead, admit it.  Sometimes small group can feel a little boring.  Small groups provide a unique opportunity for people to gather, share, and grow together in a safe setting.  Our goal is to experience community and grow spiritually.  However, there are times throughout the life of a small group that it can become monotonous or even feel boring.

boring small group

When this happens it is time to mix it up a little bit.  When a group begins to feel stale it doesn’t necessarily means that it is time to end, the group may just need to make a slight adjustment to help breathe new life throughout the group.

Below are Ten Easy Ways To Change It Up When Small Group Feels Boring. Continue reading

How To Ask Questions That Lead To Great Conversations

Nothing will leave you wanting to learn how to ask great questions more than an awkward, short exchange of boring inquiries that result in simple answers.

We’ve all been there, wanting to take the conversation deeper or to a more interesting level but unsure how to go about it.

City Groups

Below are three quick tips that will breathe new life into your discussions as you learn to ask better questions that promote even better conversation. Continue reading

Owning CFM

Celebrate The Wins


Recently I witnessed this first hand as my oldest son’s baseball team was crowned the champions of a weekend tournament. It was awesome for them to experience the reward of practicing and not giving up even when the game became difficult. At some points it even appeared as if his team might lose, it was an emotional game for them and even for the spectators (especially the parents).

City Groups

Winning is the desired culmination of all the effort that is put towards achieving a goal. For a small group leader the win will look a little different than what it will for a baseball team but nevertheless the victory is just as sweet.

One of the keys to success for a City Group Leader is to Celebrate Victories.

This key reminds us to focus on the reason for the group by placing value  on the life change God brings about in people.  It’s important to take time to celebrate these within your group.

A victory in a small group setting may be any of the following among lots of others:

– someone sharing for the first time

– answered prayer requests

– deeper friendship within the group

– approaching a circumstance with a scriptural perspective

– a godly change in attitude or priorities

Would you take a minute to share a victory that your group has recently experienced?  Whether you write a sentence or a page I’d love to hear how about a win in your group!

Managing Your Time

Managing your time can be a challenging task.  Life can become very busy between family, church life, schooling, graduations, holidays, and oh yeah – work.  Is it even possible to manage your time in a way where you are in control instead of the events and circumstances of life?

Here are a few tips that I think will be helpful to all of us so that we can be the boss when it comes to our time.

Clock - City Group Leaders Continue reading

What Exercise Reminded Me About Spiritual Growth

“No matter how slow you go, you’re still beating the guy sitting on the couch.”

I recently noticed this phrase posted on the bulletin board at the gym. There is so much encouragement and truth wrapped up in that little sentence. As I thought about the meaning it hit me how comparable physical fitness and spiritual growth are.

City Group Dumbbell

Three things came to my mind as I compared the two disciplines: Continue reading

Providing Care Through Follow Up


Providing Care is one of the KEYS TO SUCCESS FOR YOUR CITY GROUP. This key focuses on how to provide care in small groups in big ways.

One of the ways to provide care as a City Group leader is by following up with those who attend your group. Doing so creates opportunity for deeper ministry and communicates that you care about those who attend your group.

Below are a few questions to ask yourself that may indicate the need to follow up with your group members: Continue reading