Tagged: group enviroments

How A Group Enviroment Can Facilitate Spiritual Growth

In the last two posts, Are You Responsible For The Spiritual Growth Of Others? and Helping Others To Grow Spiritually we looked at the personal responsibility each person should assume concerning growing spiritually and how as a leader we can model what that looks like for those in our group.

In this last post of the three-part series concerning spiritual growth within group environments we will look at three ways a healthy group can foster and support Christian community and growth.

The purpose of City Groups at Church on Fire Ministries to help the people of this body to experience community and grow spiritually.  Christian community and spiritual growth is essentially two sides to one coin.  As individuals gather together in the context of Christian friendship spiritual growth is inevitable.

When a person is intentional about being around and forming Christian friendship, it naturally paves the way for Christian spiritual growth to occur.

City Groups

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