Tagged: R3 conference

Three Reasons To Attend R3 (Hint, Its been in the Promo’s)

City Groups

You’re probably well aware that R3 is taking place this week (Jan. 28, 29, 31, & Feb. 1 2015).

The theme of the conference is to Refresh, Restore, & Renew.  As a leader, you need each of those in your life, sooner rather than later.

I hope you will be a part of this awesome week!  If you need more information on times or speakers visit: http://www.mycfmr3.com/

Also, I want to extend a special invitation to come to the pastors and church leader’s session on Thursday morning at 10:00 am with Pastor Jim Cymbala.  His experience pastoring over forty years in New York City will bring encouragement and challenge to us all. *Childcare will not be provided for this session.